Buy Stesolid Rectal Tube ((LINK))
Background: Acute seizures are readily recognizable episodes requiring urgent treatment. This study was conducted to compare the efficacy and safety of suppository use of rectal diazepam solution [Stesolid rectal tube (SRT), Alpharma, Inc., Lierskogen, Norway] with those of intravenous diazepam (IVD), Li Ta Pharma Co, Ltd., Taichung, Taiwan for control of acute seizures in children with intractable epilepsy.
buy stesolid rectal tube
Methods: Subjects were patients, aged 1-18 years, with intractable epilepsy under at least three kinds of antiepileptic treatments. Caregivers were trained to rectally administer SRT or IVD (dosage varying from 0.2 to 0.5mg per kilogram of body weight) and to monitor respiration condition, seizure severity, and adverse drug effects.
Results: Among the 24 subjects, 9 males and 15 females, treated for a period of 3 months, the ages ranged from 2 to 18 years, with a mean of 9.1 years. Seizure types were generalized tonic and/or clonic. Seizure frequency varied from once per week to 20 times per day. Twenty-one (87.5%) of them had mental retardation and/or developmental delay, and 103 of the 127 (81.1%) IVD administrations and 90 of the 103 (87.3%) SRT administrations resulted in rapid cessation of seizures within 10 minutes. Each first dose failed to control seizures in 24 and 13 episodes, respectively. A second dose of IVD achieved cessation of seizure in 21 of the 24 episodes and a second dose of SRT in 12 of the 13 episodes within another 10 minutes. Four episodes (3 with rectal IVD and 1 with SRT) of prolonged seizure beyond 20 minutes needed IVD injection at our emergency room. Sedation occurred in 17% of patients, which was attributed to IVD in 8% and SRT in 9% of patients. No respiratory depression was attributable to IVD or SRT. There was no significant statistical difference in efficacy and safety between these two forms of diazepam.
If you have been prescribed rectal tubes, it's important that a family member, friend or carer knows how to give you this medicine. This may vary between different brands. Read the instructions that come with the medicine carefully.
Before prescribing diazepam rectal tubes your doctor will talk to you and your family member or carer about how to recognise the type of seizure that should be treated with this medicine. They will also teach your family member or carer how to give the medicine.
Stesolid belongs to a drug group called benzodiazepines. It enhances the effect of a depressant substance ( GABA ) in the brain. As a result, it acts as a tension reliever, sedative, muscle relaxant, and antispasmodic. Stesolid rectal solution contains a solution of diazepam intended for administration in the rectum. The effect comes faster and is more pronounced than after the same dose in tablet form.
Stesolid rectal tube solution is used when an immediate effect of diazepam is desired, for example, in febrile convulsions, epilepsy, and the like, but also as a sedative and relaxing agent, among other things, just before unpleasant examinations, sampling, and operative procedures.
While rectal drug administration is not very common in veterinary medicine, it is required in certain situations. Your veterinarian may prescribe rectal medication if your pet is unable to swallow oral medications or if a specific required medication cannot be effectively absorbed with oral delivery. The rectal tissues contain large number of blood vessels very close to their surface, which means that medications delivered to this area are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.
Before you can administer medication rectally, it is important to ensure that you have the correct dose for your pet. If your veterinarian sent you home with individual doses of medication that are already drawn up into syringes, ensure that you have the correct number of syringes for your pet (according to the prescription label recommendations). If your veterinarian sent you home with a bottle of liquid medication, carefully draw up the appropriate amount of medication as directed by your veterinarian.
While liquid anti-seizure medications are the most common indication for rectal drug administration, your veterinarian may also prescribe rectal medication for other conditions. Other rectal medications may be in the form of a suppository, which is a solid or semi-solid form of drug that is inserted into the rectum and left to dissolve. Rectal suppositories are sometimes used to deliver medication to pets that are vomiting, constipated, or have trouble swallowing.
To insert a rectal suppository, first cover the suppository with a small amount of sterile lubricant or petroleum jelly. Next, use your gloved finger to insert the suppository into the rectum. Aim to insert the suppository approximately one to two inches past the anal sphincter, but stop if you feel any resistance or if your pet appears painful. If your pet strains and pushes out the suppository, repeat the process and place the suppository a bit higher. 041b061a72