C 6.0 Cookbook: Solutions For C Developers
This article provides an overview of Source Generators that ships as part of the .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") SDK. Source Generators let C# developers inspect user code as it is being compiled. The generator can create new C# source files on the fly that are added to the user's compilation. In this way, you have code that runs during compilation. It inspects your program to produce additional source files that are compiled together with the rest of your code.
C 6.0 Cookbook: Solutions for C Developers
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This book is already intended for developers with advanced knowledge in C#. It explains the latest features in depth and the possibilities for creating applications using Blazor, WinIO and ASP.NET. It also includes microservices deployed to Docker, GRPC and more.
I recommend this more for developers who look at C# as a career path. If you do this for a hobby you may eventually get into concurrent programming but the technical solutions in this book may never be valuable for personal work.
The worst thing that a developer can do is not check for null in code. This means that there is no reference to an object, in other words, there is a null. Reference-type variables have a default value of null. Value types, on the other hand, cannot be null. In C# 2, developers were introduced to the nullable type. To effectively make sure that objects are not null, developers usually write sometimes elaborate if statements to check whether objects are null or not. C# 6.0 made this process very easy with the introduction of the null-conditional operator.
The nameof expressions are particularly nice. You can now provide a string that names an object in code. This is especially handy if you are throwing exceptions. You can now see which variable caused the exception. In the past, developers had to rely on messy string literals in their code. This was particularly error prone and vulnerable to spelling errors. Another problem was that any code refactoring might miss a string literal, and then that code becomes obsolete and broken.
If we had written the code in the catch statement using a string literal, we would not have had the code updated automatically when we renamed the students variable. The nameof expression effectively allowed developers to stop writing throw new ArgumentNullException("students");, which will not be affected by refactoring actions.
This is because the order of the exceptions being caught is wrong. Traditionally, developers must catch exceptions in their order of specificity, which means that FileNotFoundException is more specific than Exception and must therefore be placed before catch (Exception ex). With exception filters that call a false returning method, we can inspect and log an exception accurately:
Another implementation of exception filters is that they can allow developers to retry code in the event of a failure. You might not specifically want to catch the first exception, but implement a type of timeout element to your method. When the error counter has reached the maximum iterations, you can catch and handle the exception. You can see an example of catching an exception based on a try clauses' count here:
Finally, in C# 6.0, you can now use the await keyword in the catch and finally blocks. Previously, developers had to resort to all sorts of strange workarounds to achieve what is now easily achievable in C# 6.0. There really is not much more to it than the following.
If you're one of many developers still uncertain about concurrent and multithreaded development, this practical cookbook will change your mind. With more than 85 code-rich recipes in this updated second edition, author Stephen Cleary demonstrates parallel processing and asynchronous programming techniques using libraries and language features in .NET and C# 8.0.
Concurrency is now more common in responsive and scalable application development, but it's still extremely difficult to code. The detailed solutions in this cookbook show you how modern tools raise the level of abstraction, making concurrency much easier than before. Complete with ready-to-use code and discussions about how and why solutions work, these recipes help you: 041b061a72